COLDSiS wishes all Ghanaians a Happy Independence Day

Democracy is not enough to develop a nation and no nation can borrow its way out to prosperity without a massive revolution in Technology.
Independence Day is both an occasion to celebrate and to remember the struggles of those who fought to give us the gift of freedom. The future, progress, and development of our great country do not lie solely on 4years circle of voting and renewing political mandates but technological improvement and how we build social cohesion and trust between our nation and its people. That way, we can build a great nation we all can rely on and be proud of.
As a nation, we need good leaders. Leaders who we all can trust, the kind of leaders who always put public interests above their political or personal interests, so that the yearnings and aspirations of the commoners can be realized. Indeed, every citizen should have a sense of belonging wherever they found themselves. Let all our politicians rise to the great task of building social trust between the people and the nation. By so doing, we can have peace and stability in our country.
Freedom does not come so easily. We are indebted to our national heroes who made this country what it is today. As patriotic citizens, let’s put extra effort to perform our own civil rights and responsibilities. Our diversities should not be seen as a weakness but as our strength. It is only by working together that we can build a resilience nation.
We as a company will entreat every citizen from the president, the politicians, political parties, religious leaders, businesses to the kids in basic schools to embrace technology because we are 20years behind. We can only move out from poverty to prosperity through rapid growth in science and technology.
No nation can borrow its way out to prosperity. When half of our budget sits on loans,
the giver is the winner, receiver a slave so let's embrace technology.
Yakubu Lantam Abdul-Jabar